Metronome for Controlled Breathing

Designed by Mr. Adarsh A.
July 27, 2021
©MILE Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012.

This tool is made available for all researchers in the world working on controlled breathing or pranayama studies.
Any publications arising out of the use of this tool must cite the following paper in order to acknowledge the use of the tool:

Ramakrishnan AG, Adarsh A. R-wave amplitude changes and atypical heart rate changes accompanying breath hold during low breathing rates.
Proc. IEEE EMBC 2020, Montreal, Canada, July 20-22, 2020.

It could also be used by all practitioners of pranayama to accurately time their practice durations, ratios, etc.
User Instructions
1. Click on the Metronome.exe
2. Breathing Type : Select using drop down options
1. Normal Breathing (No holding of breath)
2. With Breath Hold
3. Auditory Cues : Select using drop down options
1. Yes - to get an auditory tone for every inhale/exhale/hold.
2. No - Switches off auditory tone.
4. Press Start to start the metronome.
5. Enter the Details
a. Normal Breathing
* Breaths/minute: Number of breaths per minute
* Inhale:Exhale ratio: 1:1 gives you symmetric breathing (inhale = exhale duration)
1:2 gives you exhalation duration twice that of inhalation.
* Time to run: Total time for the metronome to run in minutes.
b. With Breath Hold
* Breaths/minute: Number of breaths per minute
* Inhale:Hold:Exhale:Hold ratio: This must be given as a ratio, such as 1:4:2:0. The total breathing cycle time will automatically be divided into time durations decided by this ratio.
* Time to run: Total time for the metronome to run in minutes.
6. Press ESC to stop the metronome and rerun with a different Breathing rate to be chosen.

(Click here to download software)